Letter from the President
Many of you are familiar with the 2025-2030 NCATS strategic plan, with its continued focus on enhancing the pace of development of treatments using translational science approaches. The second goal, “empowering everyone to contribute and benefit from translational science”, aligns with the NIH Director’s vision to advance a national primary care research network. In particular, I’m excited to see the launch of the $30M Common Fund-supported initiative, Communities Advancing Research Equity (CARE) for Health, with the awarding of three new sites.
The goal of CARES is to integrate clinical research with community-based primary care into a learning health system. This is an excellent opportunity for CTSAs to engage with our primary care colleagues to reach under served populations to advance the health of our nation. ACTS invites CAREs investigative teams to participate in our Special Interest Groups to network with experienced clinical researchers in managing multi-site studies, clinical research professional trainings, community engagement, trust-building and many others.
Allan Brasier, MD
ACTS President
Registration for Translational Science 2025 is Now Open
Registration is now open for Translational Science 2025! Join us for ACTS' premier annual meeting, filled with educational panels, networking opportunities, and the chance to visit Capitol Hill. Register by Tuesday, February 11 to receive special early-bird rates!
Translational Science 2025 will be held in Washington, DC from April 14-17, 2025. Start making your plans to connect with colleagues both new and old in our nation's capital!
ACTS Professional Development Virtual Workshop
There's still time to register for Finding Strategies for Professional Growth in Translation Science - An ACTS Virtual Workshop! This workshop is designed and hosted by the ACTS Professional Development Committee. Participants will have the chance to learn about the future of professional development at ACTS, and will learn how to create their own strategies for pursuing their professional goals. This workshop will be held live on Monday, December 16 at 3:00 PM ET.
Registration is open now through the day of the workshop. ACTS Members can attend for free; non-members can register for a $15 fee, reduced to $10 for early career investigators. Don't forget to visit our website to learn about other ways ACTS helps with our member's professional development!
Special Interest Groups
ACTS offers its members the opportunity to participate in Special Interest Groups (SIGs) related to the field of clinical research and translational science. SIGs connect individuals who share similar goals and interests, providing a channel to network and participate in knowledge and resource sharing among peers.
Learning Library
The ACTS Learning Library is the centralized location for all ACTS educational offerings, including partner webinars and past Translational Science recordings. ACTS members receive complimentary access to webinars and recordings.
Translational Science Today
Community Engagement Core Hosts Health Fairs to Support Medically Underserved Communities
The Community Engagement Core brought vital health resources and education to East and South Los Angeles during National Diabetes Month.
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