A Statement from ACTS

Dear Colleagues, 

Over the last few months, the global scientific community has mobilized to find better ways to screen for, treat, and prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. Alone, COVID-19 has exacerbated uncountable issues of inequity with a disproportionate impact on people of color. The past few days have shone an even brighter spotlight on the systemic racism permeating our society. 

The rash of racially charged incidents must not be ignored. The physical, social, and emotional health of our communities is at risk. Each and every act of racism cuts to the core of our lives and the lives of our patients and their families. It is our responsibility to speak out against racism and violence, and to persevere in creating a healthcare system and a society that recognizes and values all human beings, promotes equity, and demands inclusion. As these tragic events unfold, I implore you each to consider how you can contribute to research and actions that directly address the disparities endemic to our society. 

As your association, ACTS vows to listen, learn and adapt to better serve trainees, clinical researchers, and our patient and participant communities. We will continue to find strength by embracing diversity, and using it to grow and thrive as a community. Whether it is leading research that reflects the needs and wants of our diverse communities and that is inclusive of all people, or whether it is standing in solidarity against racism and violence, we know that our members can be agents of change.

Thank you for being a part of the ACTS community. Please do not hesitant to contact us at with questions.

As always, be safe and stay well.

Christopher J. Lindsell, PhD
